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Great work i am excited to see the loaders come in ive been wanting one of these thank you for your hard work.... 1 nitpick is the engine sound id love to get a update to make it true/unique but overall it is great dont listen to the diss by tards Keep up the great work

The Mod itself isn't too bad but still needs a lot of work to be in good condition many gaps in the frame of the mod while inside the cab many details not properly converted and such.

I’m gunna push another update as soon as possible with providing a little more detail of the cab. Also I will work on brining more displays in and ad some more texture inside. Thank you for the feedback!

Ahhh ok other than that the mod is good and hopefully comes out really nice and good when there you can post the Mod on ModHub

mod is absolute stolen horse shiit

Instead of insulting a person make your own 5200 series that is better and post that one.

I agree if u think u can do better... prove it rather than being karen

Whaat?! Thank you!!